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1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse

Mix all three, stir with ice, our into a martini glass.


No bitters required. Green Chartreuse is complex enough by itself.

No garnish required. A twist of lime or lemon would do.


This drink uses the classic "Martinez" ratio but substitutes Green Chartreuse for the Maraschino.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Martineuse
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
J. Stephen Berry
Atlanta, GA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(4 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • try with 1/4 chartreuse
  • Like anything else with more than a splash of chartreuse, it tastes pretty much like chartreuse. Now, I will make this again, with a less assertive gin than Ransoms, and with a better vermouth than M&R, but my hopes aren't h
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Zachary Pearson commented on 8/01/2013:


Is a part = 1/2 ounce here? I think it would be better to give recipes in ounces or ml.



tophat665 commented on 10/05/2014:

Tastes like Chartreuse. But I did use Ransom's, which is halfway there to begin with. Thinking a lemon peel garnish would really add soemthing. Also, that a better vermouth (just killed my Carpano Antiqua on a Martinez this afternoon) and a less assertive gin, say Hayman's or Tanq OT might make a difference.

Fransos commented on 10/07/2014:

This is essentially a Bijou, sans orange bitters. Try knocking back the Chartreuse to 1/4 oz if you feel it overpowers the drink. Maybe a london dry style gin will work wonders as well.

MOJO1229 commented on 11/11/2016:

<br />Given the several comments suggesting dissatisfaction with the cocktail's current recipe, I have taken this on as a CHALLENGE COCKTAIL. My first try was with Hayman's Old Tom gin, Contratto Bianco (a top-shelf Italian vermouth), and a "skinny" 1/2 oz green Chartreuse. I rated this 3.5--not bad. Then, I made majorchanges: Plymouth gin, same vermouth, and a "skinny" 1/2 oz Yellow Chartreuse (used it because its flavor is less pronounced than green chartreuse). Very disappointing and I rated it at 2.5 to 3.0. I could discerne each ingredient's taste, but they did not blend together into a singular taste. That was a disappointment.

I will go back to the recipe for the "Martineuse," and consider the comments from the various users and consider what they said, and see if I can come up with a cocktail which is more satisfying, not just for me, but for most people who would like to try the "Martineuse," and find it to be a drink they want to come back to.

thiudans commented on 6/06/2019:

While its origin may be a Martinez riff, I see these ingredients and think Bijou (which doesn't always have bitters in the recipe). So I used 1 oz of the robust Castle & Key overproof gin, 1 oz Casa Mariol vermut negro, and kept the Green Chartreuse at .5 oz. I think it worked well using a stronger gin and a more confident vermouth and give it a solid 3.5 stars. Also I stirred it with about 6 oz of fine ice.