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2 oz Mezcal, Del Maguey (Vida)
1⁄4 oz Lavender syrup (Monin)
1⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1 ds Orange bitters, Fee Brothers Orange (Gin Barrel Aged)

Stir and strain over a large ice ball in a double old fashioned glass. Garnish with an edible flower.


This is based on the Mezcallion Dolla$ cocktail from Atomic Kitchen in Las Vegas. On the menu it is listed as "Mezcal, Lavender, sugar, bitters." This started as an attempt to recreate (counterfeit) it at home, though it ended up a little different from the original. Hence the Mezcallion Wooden Nickel.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Mezcallion Wooden Nickel
SnootyDrinkingRoom 2017
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