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1 twst Lemon peel
1 3⁄4 oz Gin
1 1⁄4 oz Pear liqueur (Homemade)
1⁄3 oz Simple syrup (Black cadamom)
3⁄4 oz Orange juice (Bergamot)
3 oz Soda water (to top)

Muddle cardamom, add ingredients+1 strip lemon peel to shaker. Reserve soda water. Shake. Fine strain in high ball glass with 4 ice cubes. Pour soda water. Stir briskly.
Optional garnish with 3 grapes on pick.


I used black cardamom syrup because it's what i had on hands.

I think uping cardamom pods and using simple syrup would do the trick.
Pear liqueur : I had peels waste from a pear pie.
I Soaked them in granulated sugar overnight.
Then i added vodka and 48 infusion. Fine strained with linen. Bottled.

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