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1 oz Gin
1 oz Campari
1⁄4 oz Absinthe
1 twst Orange peel

Stir with ice, strain, garnish with orange zest.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Attributed to Frank C. Payne, New York
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(15 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • I did halve the Absinthe. We'll see
  • I'd cut the absinthe in half on this, only use 1/8 oz. It's so powerful that 1/4 definitely hijacks this. If you love licorice/anise flavor, great. Otherwise, cut it.
  • Nice. Worry about the St. George absinthe taking over was mostly unfounded. — ★★★★
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MOJO1229 commented on 5/04/2017:

I'm surprised that I like the "Quill" as much as I do. I thought that with the absinthe I wouldn't rate the libation any higher than 2.5. The truth be told, however, I rated the "Quill" at 3.5. But doing so took some doing on my part: (1) I used a solid gin--Liberator gin, which is made by Valentine Distilling in Detroit; (2) I used a great absinthe--absinthe verte by St. George; and (3) Most surprising, I did not use one of my favorite sweet vermouths--Antica Formula--instead I used (with my fingers crossed) Cinzano Rosso because of its pronounced sweet and fruity flavors. And of course I threw in some Campari for good measure.

What I got was what I hoped for: a Negroni-like cocktail, somewhat sweet and somewhat bitter, with the absinthe flavor perceptible but in the background. I think the Cinzano accounts, to a great degree, for the success of my efforts. For sure, this is a libation for those who like the traditional Negroni AND who like to experiment. Go for it!