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1 1⁄2 oz Rye
3⁄4 oz Orange juice
1⁄4 oz Sweet vermouth, Vya
1 oz Prosecco

Combine all but the prosecco. Shake until cold, pour into a cocktail glass, add brut prosecco to taste. Orange or lime twist for garnish.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Holmes, Seattle
Is the
author's original creation
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Zachary Pearson commented on 2/21/2011:

Looks like a fizz riff on a Liberal... I'll have to try that. Two questions, though. First, if you've had Amer Picon (or a homemade version), could you sub it for the orange juice? Second, I've been looking at the Scrappy's Lime bitters... how are they?

ghost_of_banquo commented on 2/24/2011:

It was very much fashioned off a Liberal. I definitely think you could sub the Amer Picon, though it would change the texture. I got the Lime bitters as a part of a Scrappy's set. I like them a lot - they remind me of the oil in a lime peel. I use them mostly to reinforce flavors already in the cocktail--and many of the other Scrappy's bitters function in the same way.