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1 1⁄2 oz Rye
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Licor 43
6 oz Club soda

Dry shake then shake first four ingredients. Strain into long-ice-cube filled Collins. Top with soda, let foam settle, then add more soda to raise froth above the lip of the glass.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Silver Lining
Created by
Joseph Schwartz
Is an
authentic recipe

Regarding Cocktails, p. 177.

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2.5 stars
(3 ratings)
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  • Made with Tuaca. Doesn't do much for me: kind of a watered down whiskey sour.
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drinkingandthinking commented on 7/17/2024:

I agree that it's basically a watered down whisky sour riff, but with less soda and a bit more Licor 43 it's a solid 3 and worth exploring.