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2 oz Gin
1 t Herbal liqueur, Yellow Chartreuse
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Lemon twist, Straight Up, Cocktail

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Savoy Cocktail Book. Also known as Sand-Martin.
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(8 ratings)
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From other users
  • Nice though didn't meet my high hopes. For me the juniper and chartreuse flavors didn't quite jibe.
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MOJO1229 commented on 3/27/2017:

"The San Martin" has an unusual taste--not unpleasant--just unusual, and its taste kind of caught me offguard. I love virtually all hard liquors, but my mainstay is gin, and I've had many drinks with a gin and sweet vermouth combination. But this one... I made the drink using Bombay Saphire gin, Vya sweet vermouth, and (of course) 1 tsp of yellow Chartruse. I think it's the yellow Chartruse that's got me bamboozled.

Perhaps a different sweet vermouth will do better (e.g., the ol' standbys, Dolin or Antica Formula). The Chartruse is nicely placed in this drink; barely perceptible, but there. Maybe 1/4 or 1/2 more gin may make for a more satisfying taste and drink. Puzzle this one out for me, please. I did rate the drink at 3.5, however.

SmilingJaguar commented on 10/18/2021:

Made this with Spring 44 Mountain Gin and Dolin Rouge. Very nice! Takes me to the mountains.