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1 oz Coffee liqueur (St. George NOLA Coffee Liqueur)
3⁄4 oz Mezcal
1 Brandied cherry

Stir and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a brandied cherry.

Cocktail summary
Posted by bwian on
Created by
Jessica Torres
Is an
authentic recipe
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4.5 stars
(31 ratings)
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  • Smoky, cherry, walnut. Added a drop of Aztec Chocolate.
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MOJO1229 commented on 12/16/2016:

<br />A very nice after-dinner drink, with a delicious multiplicity of flavors.

I used Starbucks coffee liqueuer (it's OK, but I wonder how well Kahlua would work, with its rum base), the Mezcal comes through despite the heaviness of Starbucks, as does the cherry flavoring from Herring. The Black Walnut bitters by Fee Bros is one of my favorite non-fruit, non-aromatic bitters. But in Tobacco Road #2, I found two dashes were needed to bring out the desired taste of that bitters; the black walnut bitters simply was overwhelmed by the coffee liquer using only one dash.

Finally, I made one other change that rounded out the various flavors, and added not only more depth to the already existing blend of flavors, but definitely complimented them as well. Simply, I added a single dash of Xocolatl Mole, for a wonderful subtle cocholate flavor. Very, very nice.

Whether you stay with the Tobacco Road #2 as written, or make either or both of the two small changes I suggest, you'll find this a flavorful, relaxing cocktail, either after a great dinner, or simply a cocktail to imbibe and relax with in the evening.

Robbyfresh commented on 6/24/2017:

This is weird. It definitely produces a tobacco flavor. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it is certainly worth trying. 

KushCus commented on 11/23/2019:

Made with Kahlua and dash of walnut liqueur rather than bitters and some extra bitters and very interesting - not sure it's one for every day!

Ajvan commented on 12/02/2019:

I used Caffe Amaro, a couple dashes of black walnut and added a dash of Fee Bros Aztec Chocolate...a smoky, rich, cold weather sipper.