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2 oz Gin, Hendrick's
3⁄4 oz Meyer lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Calvados, Boulard
3 dr Lemon Tree Bitters, Bittercube
1 twst Meyer lemon

Shake, stream, up, & garnish


This started out as a twist on the Third Rail #2, but after adding and removing all but the calvados I ended up with a drink with a more French minded flair. It has a sweet richness and yet an acid-enough edge that I ignored the "don't touch the third rail" warning

Cocktail summary
Picture of Troisième Rail
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Jason Westplate
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
Yields Drink

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flickerdart commented on 6/14/2021:

For lack of ingredients, made this with Plymouth Navy Strength Gin, Lemorton Reserve Calvados, Pink House Alchemy grapefruit bitters. A very solid gin sour with a floral fruity note. If you don't like the sourness, a little bit of wildflower honey syrup would only improve the taste.