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2 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Vodka
1⁄4 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Blanc (or Cocchi Americano)
1 twst Lemon zest (as garnish)

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass. Because that is the way Bond likes it -- shaken, not stirred.


Created by Ian Fleming for the character Vesper in Casino Royale. This version is as adapted by Gary Regan. The original calls for Lillet Kina. Some feel that Cocchi Americano is a good substitute.

Cocktail summary
Vesper, Sam's Chowder House, Half Moon Bay, CA
2010, Creative Commons, Sam TabascoMan77, Wikipedia
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Ian Fleming, author, Casino Royale
Is of
unknown authenticity

Gary Regan, The Joy of Mixology.

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4 stars
(30 ratings)
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From other users
  • Tried with 3:2 using Genever. Not as good.
  • made shaken very cold, added 2 ml of tonic water with quinine in it.
  • yet to try
  • Variation 1: one drop of Grapefruit bitters, 1 drop of Lemon bitters
  • Used Cocchi Americano. Nice!
  • I've done it with 3 gin 2 vodka and 1 lillet
  • I prefer the reversed version!
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Zachary Pearson commented on 9/06/2011:

I would think that Cocchi Americano would be a much better substitution for the (not made anymore) Kina Lillet. Bonal is very sweet vermouth meets Oloroso Sherry, and not only would you lose the color of the drink, but the flavors might be too heavy.

Dan commented on 9/06/2011:

Right you are. Fixed.

Cocktailian commented on 8/10/2013:

I've always been a 1.5 gin to 1 vodka--keep the lillet or cocchi to the 1/4 suggested

mikejaz2 commented on 2/20/2014:

A very nice cocktail, sophisticated-tasting...and a great way to get soused quickly!

Norm commented on 10/11/2014:

Our preferred variation is:
21⁄4 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Vodka
1⁄2 oz Kina L'Avion D'Or OR Cocchi Americano
1 twst Lemon zest (as garnish)

The current Lillet doesn't have the amount of quinine that it used to in the 1960s. These two substitutes, we think, make a better drink. One of these, you want to go climb a tree; two, you couldn't climb a tree if you had to.