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1 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Dry vermouth
1⁄4 oz Campari
1⁄4 oz Honey syrup

Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into an ice filled old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Jerry Ciesielski
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(14 ratings)
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From other users
  • Delicious. Nice for summer. Used Forager gin, martini rossi dry vermouth, and St. Germain. — ★★★★★
  • Made with Dolin. Tasted strongly of vermouth.
  • Difficult to incorporate honey (used 1/4 t), so making honey syrup would be worthwhile. Nice, fairly light with St Germain and bitter Campari shining through. Worth making again. — ★★★★
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