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2 oz Oat Whiskey, High West Silver Whiskey
1⁄4 oz Dry vermouth, Dolin
1⁄4 oz Bénédictine (optional)

Stir with ice, strain, and serve in a martini glass.


Been playing around with the High West silver since it came out. Brand matters here because it's an oat whiskey, a rarity, and has a custard & tropical fruit aroma.


Riffed off a friend's recipe calling for 1.5 oz white corn whisky, .5 oz dry vermouth, .5 oz Benedictine, and orange bitters.

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Dan commented on 1/01/2012:

Since the Repeal Day bitters are limited production and sold-ago sold out, perhaps we could update this to use a bitters that is available, at least as a sub? Also I created a Oat Whiskey ingredient, so I used that for the High West.

bza commented on 1/01/2012:

I have the repeal bitters, they are very Christmas-y. I'd say Angostura is definitely an acceptable substitute, though some of the spice will be lost - maybe muddle a clove first? I don't have the oat whiskey so I can't say, but I'm not sure what makes this a Manhattan since it doesn't have sweet vermouth. That said, the repeal bitters are SPECTACULAR in a Manhattan.