1. Crush the coriander seeds with a mortar and pestle. Add the cilantro leaves and bruise them slightly.
2. Place the mixture in a large pitcher and add the orange juice.
3. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into another large pitcher, and serve cold.
Cocktail summary
Created by
Brian Preston-Campbell
Is the
author's original creation
Cool Waters (The Harvard Common Press)
Water, Orange, Tamarind, Cilantro, Coriander
craft, alcoholic
Curated slightly - changed the unit on the cilantro to "leaf", and removed the note - we assume fresh ingredients already. Two quick questions: Is the tamarind paste added with the orange juice? It seems to be omitted from the instructions. Cocktails that are not your invention, but are taken from an authoritative source should be marked "Authentic" instead of "Original". I can go back and change these, if you'd like.