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1 oz Espresso (chilled)
1⁄2 oz Walnut Liqueur, Nocello
1⁄4 oz Agave syrup
1⁄4 oz Bitters (Bittermilk #6 Oaxacan Old Fashioned)
1 twst Orange peel

Shake dry then with ice. Express peel and use as garnish or discard.


Don't know what a suitable substitute for the Bittermilk would be, but I don't think Bittermens would be it.

Have also garnished with a couple cardamom pods, or even a bit of alder smoked sea salt atop the foam. Go nuts.

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  • Subbed Giffard Banane du Bresil for Nocello, Bittermens Xocolatl Mole bitters — ★★★★★
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BamBoozled commented on 8/30/2020:

Delicious! Dealing with the whole egg is a bit of a pain in the ass but gives good texture/creaminess. Didn't have Nocello, so subbed with Walnut bitters.