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3⁄4 oz Gin (St. George Botanivore)
1⁄2 oz Absinthe, Pernod
1⁄4 oz Herbal liqueur, Elixir Vegetal de la Grande Chartreuse

Stir, strain into a chilled coupe.


If you don't have the Elixir Vegetal, I'd recommend using regular green Chartreuse but flipping the gin and Chartreuse volumes.


This is a riff on the old Anvil drink the Monk's Revenge. My goal was to mimic the texture and herbal flavors but in a different color palette.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Zachary Pearson
Is the
author's original creation
4 stars
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4.5 stars
(5 ratings)
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  • Way too embarrassed to share the inexpensive subs I needed to use for this, but really enjoyed it nonetheless. Looking forward to revisiting the spec version!
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bkemp1984 commented on 5/14/2021:

Holy shit, this is surprisingly good. I was mostly optimistic going in but also thought it could taste really bad, but I love it. Didn't have Elixir Vegetal, because even in spite of loving Chartreuse and having been serve the Vegetal once, it's a bit steep for me. So I upped the regular Green Chartreuse to just under 1/2 oz but kept the gin the same instead of lowering it as suggested. Also used homemade creme de menthe with mint fresh out of the garden, very first I've made with it.

Craig E commented on 5/29/2021:

When I win the lottery, this is gonna be my mouthwash.

danoman89 commented on 4/21/2022:

I'd probably tone down the Creme de Menthe if I made again, but regardless, it's a very very good cocktail