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3⁄4 oz Xtabentun, Casa D'aristi

Stir with ice, decant into chilled glass


Xtabentún is an anise liqueur flavored with honey from bees which pollinate the Xtabentún flower


I came across this liqueur during a trip to Cancún -- I liked it, even though I had an inferior brand (San Marino). When I got back to NJ, I found D'aristi's version.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Frederick H. Bartlett
Hamilton, NJ, USA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(4 ratings)
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Zachary Pearson commented on 3/04/2014:

Cleaned this up a bit - removed the note which insisted that the brand of Xabentun specified was a real brand... it broke the line pretty badly (and we trust you).



Shawn C commented on 12/24/2024:

A decent Sazerac although quite sweet. The Xtabentun's honey sweetness is high. The anise in the liqueur makes the Peychaud's somewhat superfluous other than adding color. If I make it again I will try 1/2 oz or less Xtabentun, and will probably sub a couple of dashes of Cardamom bitters and perhaps a dash of habanero tincture to broaden the palate.