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1 oz Rye
1 oz Cognac
1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
1 ds Absinthe
1 twst Lemon peel

Build in glass; stir with ice; express and drop in twist.


Drier version of the Cocktail à la Louisiane from the Bartender's Choice app, replacing sweet vermouth with Cognac.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Restaurant de la Louisiane, New Orleans, LA, via Sam Ross
Is an
authentic recipe

Bartender's Choice app for iOS by Sam Ross.

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User rating
4.5 stars
(20 ratings)
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From other users
  • Right up there with the Sazerac; must try if that's your drink
  • A nice take on the drink, has a pleasant zing in there with the booziness. Still prefer a cognac/rye Sazerac.
Similar cocktails

noksagt commented on 9/24/2019:

Both incarnations are great, but I actually prefer to vermouth-containing one. I think the dilution and extra absinthe both pair with the syrupy sweetness of Benedectine much better.

lesliec commented on 2/28/2022:

We've enjoyed this before as written, but on a whim tonight I subbed the absinthe with some Chartreuse Elixir Vegetal I've had for years and keep forgetting. It might not make the drink better, but try it if you've got some Elixir Vegetal - it certainly doesn't make it worse.