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1 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
3⁄4 oz Pineapple syrup
1 pn Salt

Shake, strain, up.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(18 ratings)
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From other users
  • Made with fernet vallet.
  • I used watermelon syrup instead of pineapple syrup. Quite delicious! I used smoked salt for the salt.
  • This is a nice sour.
  • Definitely interesting! The salt is important; don't be timid with the pinch. — ★★★★
Similar cocktails
  • Industry Sour — Fernet Branca, Herbal liqueur, Lime juice, Simple syrup
  • Chef's Kiss — Fernet Branca, Herbal liqueur, Demerara syrup, Lime juice, Lime
  • Fernetaboutit — Fernet Branca, Herbal liqueur, Maraschino Liqueur, Lime juice

Bevx commented on 3/16/2013:

Don't let the unappealing color dissuade you. This drink may look like murky pond water, but it tastes fantastic!

DrunkLab commented on 3/16/2013:

Glad you enjoyed it! Yes, it's a shame about the color; it's probably best to serve it in a mug or some other opaque container to keep it appetizing. (Maybe Tiki bars are onto something.)

mahastew commented on 3/16/2013:

Pretty good. I can't help but compare it to the Industry Sour and Fernetaboutit, which I feel both work better because of the lime juice. Maybe this one could use some acid, too.

DrunkLab commented on 3/16/2013:

Still haven't tried the Industry Sour, might give that one a go tonight. Curious about how well Chartreuse and Fernet play together without the pineapple juice to smooth things over.

Canephoros commented on 10/12/2015:

Based on the recipe, I made one of these with Liber's Pineapple Gum Syrup, rather than the pineapple juice discussed in several of the comments.  I thought I was a very nice after-dinner drink, with the Fernet herbals winning out over the Chartreuse.

applejack commented on 10/05/2017:

Little late to the party on this one, but I'm guessing the recipe has been updated, since the comments reference a lack of lime juice--now listed at 3/4oz--and using pineapple juice instead of the now listed pineapple syrup.  Made too much of a caramelized sous vide pineapple syrup recently (juiced caramelized pineapple chunks, and cooked that with equal parts demerara sugar and the pineapple rinds for 2 hours at 135 degrees) and was searching for recipes to use it up.  Made this for myself and 3 other jaded bartenders, and we all loved it.  Very balanced given the ingredients list, with both the Fernet menthol, minty goodness and Green Chartreuse herbal elements peaking through but not dominating.  5 stars.