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2 oz Gin, Aviation
1 oz Peach liqueur, Edmond Briottet
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
1 twst Lemon peel

Shake, strain, up and garnish


Crème de Pêche and St. Germain meld well, and I knew I wanted to use them in a gin based cocktail--Aviation doesn't "gin-out" the subtler flavors in the drink but still provides interesting Indian sarsaparilla and green cardamom notes

Cocktail summary
Picture of Débarquement
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Jason Westplate
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(7 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Used my still-aging homemade peach liqueur on 7/28/20. Might need a bit simple or more of the liqueur.
  • Too sweet for my taste
  • Gin- sweet, sour
Similar cocktails
Netminder69 commented on 5/15/2024:

I found this to be… inoffensive. It wasn’t bad but it’s not anything I would be clamoring to make again.