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2 oz Gin
1 oz Apricot liqueur (or Peach liqueur)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass


Makes for an excessively peachy version if made with Mathilde Peche.


The reference recipe in VS&FC calls for apricot brandy, by which I think he means apricot liqueur. If dry apricot brandy is intended, then the gin should be Old Tom for sweetness, and the lime may need to be reduced.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Pendennis Club, Louisville, KY
Is an
authentic recipe

Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails, Ted Haigh

Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(11 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • used 3/4 oz of Pendennis MIx, which is: 2 oz 1:1 simple syrup 1 oz Abricot de Roussillon, Giffard 2 tsp Creme de Peche, Giffard
  • As described, way too peachy with Mathilde Peche Liqueur. Might be better with Apricot Orchard. Sub half the apricot or peach liqueur for Campari for an interesting drink. — ★★★
Similar cocktails
Rob Marais commented on 6/01/2011:

Made this tonight, with Rothman & Winter apricot liqueur, 1/2 oz of lime juice and a double dose of cranberry bitters (because I'm out of Peychaud right now). Tasted balanced to me, not too sweet at all, and I think using the R&W and upping the lime juice helped. As the French say, Chacun à son gout (Each to his own gout, heh). Girlie drink? Nah!

Dan commented on 6/01/2011:

Rob, I fear that the recipe when you made this was tinkered by me. The original from Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails is 2 gin, 1 apricot or peach brandy, 2-3 dashes Peychaud's, and 3/4oz lime juice. The Campari addition was mine and I have no idea why the lime was halved.

Rob Marais commented on 6/01/2011:

Dan, frankly I'm glad you incorporated the Campari - as you know I have a bitter bell that loves to be rung, even better when it's bitter with fruits. It's a good thing that this is a gin cocktail, the botanicals with lime keep the drink in these specs from being cloying in any way. Next time I might add a touch more R&W!

chocdoc commented on 9/10/2011:

Has there been a change? I'm not seeing the campari.

Zachary Pearson commented on 9/10/2011:

Since this originated in 1881 in the US, I'd be willing to bet that the gin called for would be Old Tom, which has some sweetness to it. I'd also bet that the "apricot brandy" is meant to be brandy rested on apricot (or peach) pits. Maybe equal parts fairly old Cognac and apricot eau de vie (Blume Marillen) would be an appropriate substitution.

Dan commented on 9/10/2011:

I had tweaked this cocktail with Campari, which I subsequently deleted since it isn't authentic. My tweak was to use Campari for half the fruit liqueur. Also see Zachary's note for what was probably originally intended.

christina in tacoma commented on 9/11/2011:

This is my first time using apricot liqueur (I have the Rothman and Winter). This is a little reminiscent of jolly rancher for me; I hope I can find a more subtle application for this ingredient.

Dan commented on 9/11/2011:

You can try my ploy of sub'ing half Campari for the fruit liqueur, or you could try Zach's historic interpretation, although it might require some more purchases. ;)

christina in tacoma commented on 9/11/2011:

I will try that and post back. I do like my Campari, but in small doses, so this may work nicely.