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1 1⁄2 oz Gin (dry)
1⁄2 oz Apricot liqueur (dry)
1⁄2 oz Lime juice

Shake, serve up in cocktail glass.

Cocktail summary
Posted by rwilde on
Created by
A unkown bartender in Athens Greece around the turn of the twentieth century
Is of
unknown authenticity

The Genteman's Companion by Charles H. baker jr. (1939)

Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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From other users
  • Baker says this is one of the half-dozen chief cocktails in the world, but it is almost unknown, and does not seem to be as great as he says in anyone else's experience. It is very good, but doesn't seem great.
Similar cocktails
Cocktailian commented on 1/07/2019:

SPEC#1: using nolet's silver, bitter truth apricot liqueur, lime, whites and regan's no.6... maybe ☆☆

Cocktailian commented on 1/07/2019:

SPEC#2: nolet's silver, edmond briotett creme de peche (instead of apricot), lemon (both lemon and lime are listed as options in the original recipe), whites and bitter truth peach bitters. A dry cocktail but definitely an improvement over the original (and more of a combo of no.1 & 2). ☆☆☆☆