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1 1⁄2 oz Amaro Montenegro
1⁄2 oz Ramazzotti
1 oz Pineapple juice (Caramelized Pineapple)
1⁄4 oz Honey syrup
4 wdg Lemon
2 wdg Orange

Muddle fruit and honey syrup, add remaining ingredients. Shake, fine strain, crushed ice goblet, wine or Collins glass. Garnish with mint and more fruit.


Alternatively, depending on the size of you fruit wedges, you could use about .75 oz lemon juice and 1.25 oz orange juice vs. muddling the fruit.

Cocktail summary
Picture of The Delicious Cobbler
Created by
Scott Diaz, Seattle, WA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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