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2 oz Bourbon
3⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1 spg Mint

Add mint and simple to shaker, muddle lightly. Add remaining ingredients, shake with ice, strain into glass.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Lauren Schell & Vito Dieterle, Little Branch NYC
Is an
authentic recipe

Bartender's Choice smartphone app

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User rating
3.5 stars
(4 ratings)
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  • No mint!? Brown sugar syrup & hald lime Used lemonbitters too
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Fransos commented on 5/04/2016:

Bartenders Choice App recipe has "small handful mint" in the list of ingredients. Also wrong name on one of the creators. It's Schell, not Schekk. 

Zachary Pearson commented on 5/04/2016:

Fixed, thanks. For people who don't have the app, it would be nice if you'd quote the whole drink so I can transcribe it correctly. Thanks, Zachary

Fransos commented on 5/06/2016:

The way it's written now works very well. Essentially a Bourbon Southside with Ango :-)