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1 1⁄2 oz Aquavit, Linie
1 oz Aromatized wine, Cocchi Vermouth di Torino
3⁄4 oz Cynar
1 t Carrot Eau-de-vie, Reisetbauer
1 Orange peel (as garnish)

Add ingredients to chilled stirring vessel, stir for 40-50 revolutions, strain into old fashioned glass with a large cube or sphere, garnish with orange swath.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Shannon Tebay-Sidle, Death & Company, New York
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(3 ratings)
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bza commented on 3/02/2021:

This drink is a masterpiece. On Punch it is garnished with an orange peel, was that an update or is this recipe incorrect? Regardless, I'll try it with a grapefruit peel next time.

Zachary Pearson commented on 3/02/2021:

Curated this - added link to the Punch article and changed grapefruit swath to orange swath (cut into a carrot for extra points) - any idea where the very specific instructions come from? Punch is not so picky. And bravo to anyone who has the carrot eau de vie! Thanks,  Zachary

applejack commented on 3/27/2021:

I believe I got the recipe from the licensed_to_distill Instagram account, which posted it before the Punch article.  Not sure which garnish is correct; when I made it I used a grapefruit swath and had the carrot eau-de-vie on hand, and it was quite good.