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1 1⁄2 oz Armagnac
3⁄4 oz Cynar (Fat)
1⁄4 oz Fernet (Gagliardo)

Long stir in OFD glass wiith ice, garnish with mint sprig and candied ginger on pick.


My crème de menthe is homemade, and based on a sweetened tincture.
Maybe a mint bitters can be replaced.

Cynar can be uped to 1 oz.

The drink can be served as a julep with crushed ice without the need of having the mix stirred before. But i have not a julep cup nor the patience to crush my ice without proper tools.

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Zachary Pearson commented on 2/05/2021:

What style of Armagnac do you recommend? More traditional or more cognac-like? Thanks,  Zachary

Pangolindo commented on 2/06/2021:


More Armagnac like. As aged as you can afford without the need of an expensive one.

Mine seems to date back of 1987 as writen on the label, but i am not sure about that. Scarce informations are available on the bottle and internet.

Kind of dry spanish brandy.

I received the bottle as a gift from my brother in law.

Zachary Pearson commented on 2/06/2021:

So I'm drinking one of these right now, with Dartilongue 23 yr Armagnac, Cynar 70, Fernet Branca and Giffard Menthe Pastille. It's quite nice - well balanced, and to me it pays homage to some classics - it's like a Stinger x Art of Choke. Lovely herbal-spicyness with menthol topnotes, and rich enough without being sweet. Thanks for posting this.  Zachary