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1 1⁄4 oz Mezcal
3⁄4 oz Braulio
1⁄2 oz Honey syrup (1:1)
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Shake with ice and strain into a coupe glass.


While writing up the Gold Drop (Bourbon, Cynar, honey, lemon) for my blog, I was inspired to take the honey, lemon, and amaro trio in a mezcal-Braulio direction given how well that duo worked in La Jetée, Montañista, and other drinks. For a name, I dubbed this one the Golden Eagle after the official bird of Mexico and North America's largest bird of prey.

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
Is the
author's original creation
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