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2 oz Tequila, Siete Leguas Reposado
1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄2 oz Agave syrup (see note)
1 twst Orange peel

Stir, strain, up, express orange oil on top and discard the peel.


To make the agave syrup, take one part Agave syrup and dissolve in one part warm water. There is another source online saying it should be a grapefruit peel, not an orange peel.

Cocktail summary
Posted by J.S-g. on
Created by
Misty Kalkofen
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(7 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Made with Cazadores, and grapefruit oil. Definitely interesting mix of flavors. Fernet dominates as usual, but the grapefruit/agave/chocolate tastes make it complex. Novocaine numbing finish. — ★★★★
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bkemp1984 commented on 1/08/2023:

One of my favorites. Have made with Fernet Branca, Fernet Vallet, and Leopold Bros. Fernet, and it's always good. Vallet and Leopold half and half was great too. Branca was my least favorite one, but still very good. I usually use 1/2 to 2/3 the amount of sugar called for. Good with an orange or grapefruit peel, sometimes I even sneak a few drops of grapefruit bitters in. More often than not I'm using Espolon reposado.

yarm commented on 2/22/2023:

The link is unfortunately dead. The next best I could find is this one from 2010 that pinpoints it to Misty's time at Drink (so sometime between Drink opening in late 2008 and the article posting in early 2010 (alas, no recipe):…

Also mentioned in the book Destination: Cocktails: The Traveler's Guide to Superior Libations with ingredients only as well (specifies a grapefruit twist).

noksagt commented on 2/23/2023:

The Internet Archived article lacks a specific date for the drink. The article was Feb 16, 2011 & says she had (at the time) "recently been thinking about mezcal and tequila…a lot."

Perhaps a "ca. 2010" based on the Bar&Restaurant piece is "good enough"?

yarm commented on 2/24/2023:

Thanks for the link! That time suggestion sounds good. It wasn't a drink that I was aware of despite sitting at Misty's bar a lot during the Drink days and afterwards at the Brick & Mortar days (late 2011 until mid 2013?). Didn't help any that Drink didn't have a menu so you'd have to either be there when she was thinking about the cocktail and ask for bartender's choice or ask for something that triggered the memory of the recipe.