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1⁄2 Lemon (Medium lemon in wedges to yield around 3/4 oz juice when muddled)
6 lf Mint (6-8 leaf depending on size and flavor intensity)
1 1⁄2 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Swedish Punsch
1⁄2 oz Apricot liqueur
1 spg Mint (1-3 sprigs as garnish)

Muddle lemon wedges, add mint, and lightly muddle again. Add the rest of the ingredients, shake with ice, and double strain into a double old fashioned glass. Fill with crushed ice and garnish with mint sprigs.


Havana Cocktail crossed with a modern version of the Smash


When I thought about the apricot-Swedish punsch combination in the Havana Cocktail, I decided to take it in the direction of the Dale DeGroff/Eastern Standard's Whiskey Smash with muddled citrus wedges and mint (opposed to the classic Smash which is a Mint Julep on a smaller scale).

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Somerville, MA
Is the
author's original creation
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