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1 oz Rye
2 spg Tarragon
2 spg Basil
2 spg Mint
1 oz Simple syrup (Earl Gray Infused)
1 Maraschino cherry

In saucepan, heat simple syrup with earl gray and herb sprigs over low heat. Crush leaves with a muddler as you stir. Filter. Put syrup in mixing glass and add fresh lemon juice, rye, and ice. Shake for 15 seconds. Pour into cocktail glass. Garnish with cherry and lemon slice.


May substitute Bourbon

Cocktail summary
Is of
unknown authenticity

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  • 1.5 oz bourbon .75 oz. lemon and simple
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Linds2983 commented on 10/30/2015:

I increased the whiskey to 1.5 oz. , decreased the lemon juice and herbal simple syrup to .75 oz. each.