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5 oz Simple syrup (Cardamom-infused is best)
2 sli Ginger
1 t Tamarind (Fresh or paste)
1 pn Cardamom (ground, as garnish)

Muddle ginger and tamarind together in a shaker. Add liquid ingredients and shake with ice in batches. Strain into glasses and sprinkle with ground cardamom.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Cheryl Franceschi
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(2 ratings)
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Zachary Pearson commented on 11/15/2015:

Curated this: removed references to fresh ingredients - that's assumed here at Kindred Cocktails. Changed amount of cardamom powder from dash to pinch. Changed amount of tamarind from dash to teaspoon (I'm guessing you want a small amount of tamarind paste muddled with the ginger). 

When you say "shake with ice in batches", do you mean that all the liquid is batched, then shaken over fresh ice for each drink? Are the muddled ingredients meant to be quartered and added to each fresh shaker?  Thanks,  Zachary

Peppermary commented on 11/09/2019:

Really like this. It hits the intersection of "interesting " and "highly drinkable".