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1 1⁄2 oz Irish whiskey, Jameson
3⁄4 oz Allspice Dram (homemade)
1⁄2 oz Coffee liqueur (Don Ciccio & Figli)
5 ds Black pepper tincture
5 ds Bitters (Woodford Reserve Sassafras & Sorghum)
1 pn Nutmeg

Build in a rocks glass with one big cube.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Irish Albidum
IG: @cocktailcraftingofficial
Created by
Reed Sandridge
Is the
author's original creation

IG: @CocktailCraftingOfficial

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4.5 stars
(4 ratings)
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reed20009 commented on 3/03/2022:

You might want to scale this to yield a bit more of this cocktail. Perhaps try:
Irish Albidum
By Reed Sandridge

1.5 oz Irish whiskey, Jameson
1/2 oz Allspice Dram (homemade)
1/2 oz Maraschino Liqueur
1/2 oz Coffee liqueur (Don Ciccio & Figli)
4 -5 ds Black pepper tincture
4-5 ds Vanilla extract
4-5 ds Bitters (Woodford Reserve Sassafras & Sorghum)
1 pn Nutmeg