Copy 'Kinch 2 oz Irish whiskey 3⁄4 oz Ginger-Honey Syrup 3⁄4 oz Lime juice 1 pn Cayenne pepper (as garnish) Instructions Shake, strain, up, garnish. Cocktail summary Created by Rafa García Febles, NYC. Year 2014 Is the author's original creation Curator Not yet rated User rating Not yet rated Yields Drink Scale Irish whiskey, Ginger-Honey Syrup, Lime juice, Cayenne pepper PT5M PT0M Cocktail Cocktail 1 craft, alcoholic From our sponsors Cocktail Book Log in or sign up to start building your Cocktail Book. Similar cocktails Mrs. Doyle — Irish whiskey, Swedish Punsch, Lemon juice, Simple syrupIrish Maid — Irish whiskey, Elderflower liqueur, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, CucumberFive Points Sour — Irish whiskey, Port, Lemon juice, Cinnamon syrupYujacha Sour — Japanese Whisky, Yuzu bitters, Lemon juice, Honey syrup, Yuzu preserves, Egg whiteRed Hood — Irish whiskey, Sweet vermouth, Fernet Branca, Lemon juice, Marionberry preservesSmoke and Mirrors (Alex Day) — Blended Scotch, Islay Scotch, Absinthe, Lime juice, Simple syrup, MintThe Bellwether — Japanese Whisky, Islay Scotch, Crème de mure, Lemon juice, Honey syrupWild Eyed Rose — Irish whiskey, Lime juice, GrenadineMy Fair Gael — Irish whiskey, Herbal liqueur, Peychaud's Bitters, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Lemon peelScotch Violet — Japanese Whisky, Crème Yvette, Lemon juice, Honey syrup, Lemon peel Comments Log in or register to post comments