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Build in a highball glass, stir with large ice, then add more ice if needed and a pinch of coarse salt to a large ice cube or top of ice ball above the surface of the liquid


Salt is supposed to slowly make its way into drink as the ice melts. Bears a striking resemblance to the Search for Delicious.


Supposedly was created through a game of telephone with some top cocktailers

Cocktail summary
Posted by nick on
Created by
Misty Kalkofen, Drink, Boston, MA
Is of
unknown authenticity
5 stars
User rating
4 stars
(11 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • A little plain,
  • I definitely prefer the Search for Delicious proportions. — ★★★★
  • I add a thick peel of orange in addition to the lemon. — ★★★★
  • Was introduced to me by Scott Holliday at Rendezvous in Cambridge, MA
Similar cocktails
Dan commented on 1/13/2015:

Curated to combine with nearly identical Bitter Giuseppe, which omits the salt and has 6 dashes of Regans' Orange Bitters.

noksagt commented on 5/04/2018:

NY Times credits Chicago's Stephen Cole for the Bitter Giuseppe. The thirdcoast blog doesn't say whether Misty "created" the variant on this page. Given that she describes a "game of telephone", I suspect Cole's may have come first. It was printed in Rogue/Beta Cocktails. My copy of that went missing, but the NY Times version has a bit less sweet vermouth (which I prefer), though they use Carpano Antica.

Because The Search for Delicious (nearly identical to Little Giuseppe) is an explicit riff on the Bitter Giuseppe (created by one of the authors of Beta after he samples the BG), I suspect that the mod team should have kept the BG instead of the LG.

In any case: the three cocktails are each fantastic and I'd likely find it challenging to really pick one out of a lineup.

yarm commented on 10/18/2022:

Both the Little Giuseppe and Bitter Giuseppe were created in 2009 with the Little Giuseppe being crafted at Drink in Boston.