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2 sli Cucumber
2 oz Tequila (or mezcal)
3⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1 sli Cucumber (as garnish)
1 pn Cayenne pepper (as garnish)

Shake with 2 small cuke slices, strain, up, garnish with floating cuke slice with powdered chile sprinkled on top.


Piquín chile also suggested, and Greenbaum notes that agave or honey sweeteners work well as subs, and fresh chiles or strawberries can be thrown in.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Mexican Razor Blade
Created by
Dan Greenbaum, Attaboy, New York, New York (USA)
Is an
authentic recipe
5 stars
User rating
4.5 stars
(12 ratings)
Yields Drink

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coquina commented on 4/07/2020:

Simple and refreshing! Next time I will probably use just a bit less lime, and muddle the cucumber so that its flavor is more evident.