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2 oz Rye, Michter's (Infused with Mint Tea)
1⁄8 oz Demerara syrup
1⁄8 oz Zucca
4 spg Mint

Place 2 sprigs mint in metal julep tin. Add liquids, muddle gently and let sit 1 mintute.
Fill with crushed ice and swizzle. Garnish with 2 more mint sprigs.


Using Rare Tea Cellars mint meritage tea, 1 Tblsp per bottle of whiskey for 1 minute. 1/8th ounce of both dem and zucca sometimes need to be fat.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Kyle Davidson, Blackbird, Chicago
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(3 ratings)
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