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Pour campari, orange liquor and bitters in a champagne flute. Add chilled prosecco slowly. Garnish with lemon twist.


Light and refreshing summer drink.

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From other users
  • Used Solerno for the orange liqueur and Pila for the Campari. Beautiful color with a rose sparkling wine.
  • similar to Seelbach but the Campari really amps up the herbal quality. A little sweeter too. We like it in a "variety is the spice of life" kind of way. But if you've got the ingredients for a Seelbach, go for it.
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Dan commented on 1/25/2011:

Sounds lovely. I'm wondering if something like Clement Creole Shrubb's bitter orange notes would be welcome. (I have not tried Harlequin, however.) Thanks for the contribution.