3⁄4 oz Aperol
3⁄4 oz Amaro Nonino
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Sam Ross, LIttle Branch, NYC
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
4.5 stars
(131 ratings)
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From other users
  • I cut back a bit on the lemon and upped the bourbon a tad — ★★★★
  • Delicious.
  • So very very good. Really my ideal of a cocktail.
  • Reduce lemon juice to 1/2 oz
  • Delightfully but not overwhelmingly sweet. Also enjoy substituting a local bitter aperitivo (Capitoline Tiber) for the Nonino.
  • Awesome drink
  • Tasty and quite enjoyable.
  • The first drink I've ever found that's actually better with Aperol as opposed to Campari.
  • The best cocktail of the 21st century. Perfection! — ★★★★★
  • Made with ramazotti and Bullitt and was prettygood — ★★★★
Similar cocktails

An excellent drink!  I've been making this with Rye instead of bourbon - Jim Beam's of late.  I also tried a variation using Jim Beam, Amaro Nonino, and (instead of Aperol) an aperitivo I found in Paris when I was (unsuccessfully) looking for a bottle of Select- Poli's "Airone Rosso."  It worked very well. (The Italian shopkeeper in Paris told me that Airone Rosso is very similar to Select.) I also sometimes add 1/8 to 1/4 oz Luxardo maraschino liqueur. And I sometimes substitute Ramazotti for the Nonino. There you have it.

A tasty variation I've seen called the Paper Mache subs cachaca and Averna for the bourbon and Nonino.

Been making it lately with Sfumato Rabarbaro in place of the Nonino. Also very tasty.

Had to sub Meletti, and I drink Rye not Bourbon, still loved it. Looking forward to playing around, maybe trying Cardamaro or Grand Poppy next time. Campari would be too overpowering imo especially if using a stronger flavoured Amaro in place of the Nonino. Lots of opportunity to experiment with this one.

Used 1 oz Woodford,  3/4 lime juice, Averna and aperol:  Very good.  Never tried the original recipe 

Tried with Overproof Bourbon 129 proof... Much better. Less flat than comon proof Bourbon.

TrinSF commented on 11/12/2022:

After a dear bartender friend recommend Meletti in place of Nonino, we now make them that way. Call it a "Paper Plame", because there's M instead of N. :-)

This is one of those drinks I just don't understand. It is imbalanced, with too much citrus sour overwhelming/even masking the amaro and Aperol's contributions, creating an overly dry, unfulfilling drink. (I don't like the song either, despite my rather eclectic taste in music.) Cutting the lemon way back makes a better drink, although not exciting. I can think of much better things to do with Amaro Nonino.