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2 1⁄2 oz Gin, Plymouth
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth
1⁄2 oz Cassis
1 twst Lemon peel (expressed and discarded)

Stir and strain. Express lemon oils atop and discard peel.


Altered from the Parisian Cocktail published by Harry MacElhone, which had more vermouth and less gin.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Aaron Melendrez, Verlaine, Los Angeles
Is an
altered recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(13 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Solid martini riff
  • Accessible for a martini-realm drink. Sweet red wine (and maybe even some mint?) on the finish. — ★★★★
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Craig E commented on 9/24/2018:

Lightly curated: paraphrased instructions to fix copyright infringement, added a little history and changed name to reflect origin more clearly.

Shawn C commented on 11/05/2023:

This was the maiden excursion for a small batch of lavender bitters (tincture) I prepared. This is a good cocktail with all of the elements (including the expressed lemon) accounted for in the flavor and nose, but the 2.5 oz of Plymouth seems a bit much, pushing the alcohol and volume to the high side. When I make it again I will cut that to 2.