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2 oz Gin
1⁄4 oz Cynar
1 twst Grapefruit peel (as garnish)

Combine all liquid ingredients in an ice-filled mixing glass. Stir vigorously for about 15 to 20 seconds. Strain into cocktail glass. Rub the outside of the grapefruit peel (i.e. not the pith side) around the rim of the glass before garnishing drink with it.

Cocktail summary
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4 stars
(22 ratings)
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From other users
  • Muddled the grapefruit. Delicious.
  • Muddle grapefruit peel
  • Love the Cynar in this..
  • Subbed a couple drops Regan's for the grapefruit zest. Bitter and a bit metallic, but more in an intriguing than off-putting way.
  • Also try subbing Campari for cynar
  • Good drink. Very much like a Negroni, but different undertones. Worth adding to the repertoire. Made with Beefeater.
Similar cocktails
DrunkLab commented on 3/19/2013:

Great, great drink. Little Italy meets Red Hook meets gin beautifully.

MOJO1229 commented on 7/31/2016:

<br />I love gin drinks, and The Grand Street is close to the top of my gin-cocktail favorites. Delicious, full of flavors, and easy to drink. I used an earthy gin (literally)--St George Terroir Gin. Among its many botonicals are Douglas fir (no kidding!), orris root, fennel, and CA bay laurel. This is a robust gin, but it mixes well with most gin-based cocktails without overwhelming the other ingredients. I highly recommend this cocktail, and I also recommend this gin to gin lovers.

jaymc commented on 4/06/2017:

The Death & Co. book calls for the grapefruit peel to be muddled in the mixing glass, which I highly recommend. 

lesliec commented on 4/26/2018:

Mild curation: corrected source URL.

SmokeyMoses commented on 2/06/2022:

The grapefruit peel is 100% supposed to be muddled in the tin before adding everything else and stirring with ice (it's really not the same drink without this step). The Maraschino is also supposed to be 1 tsp, not 1/4 oz (this misprint isn't as big of a deal but it's def better balanced that way)