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Stir/Strain/Up?DGAF about garnish. GO ahead and use a potato, I don't care.


Greatly improved if served at just below room temperature. Also greatly improved the third or fourth time around.

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4 stars
(14 ratings)
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From other users
  • A cigar-store kinda drink.
  • Tried it with the potato, one that I had cooked with Porchetta, along with a lamb pachuga instead of mezcal. It was good. Passed out, Woke up and could play a flute.
  • This is a real nice drink though I didn't throw any spuds in it (despite being Irish). On my 2nd time through, I added some Rye to it to mellow out the smoke and for fun. Also excellent.
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DrunkLab commented on 8/07/2013:

I thought the baked potato added some interesting smoked notes, but my doctor says I should watch my starch intake. 4/5 for me.

bartenderkyle commented on 8/07/2013:

I'm probably going to have to redo this fettuccini and cassava root cocktail then.

Bevx commented on 8/07/2013:

Picard? Needs more tea, Earl Grey, hot.