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3⁄4 oz Rye (rooibos-aromatized)
3⁄4 oz Aquavit (caraway-forward)
3⁄4 oz Rosato Vermouth
3⁄4 oz Dry sherry
1⁄2 oz Demerara Rum, Lemon Hart 151 (or El Dorado 151, as float)

Stir, strain, up, float.


1. It obviously won't be the same as redistilling rye with rooibos, but infusing rooibos tea in rye works well here. 2. I've used both Lillet Rosé and Cocchi Rosa as substitutes for rosé vermouth, to good results.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Stephen Shellenberger, boston apothecary
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(1 rating)
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