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1 oz Gin, Small's
1 oz Bing cherry syrup (*)
1⁄2 oz Egg white
1⁄4 oz Lemon juice
2 bsp Herbal liqueur, Pernod
2 ? Bing Cherry (*)
1 pn Smoked Salt (Yakima Applewood)

Muddle 1 Bing cherry in the bottom of a cocktail shaker; add egg, gin, syrup, lemon juice and liqueurs and dry shake. Add ice, shake, double strain into a chilled wine glass, garnish with new Bing cherry and a pinch of smoked sea salt


*see comments for canned bing cherry recipe


I love the combination of full, tart cherries and fennel and anise. This drink does an amazing job of being potently sweet, herbal, salty, and tart all in the same glass. An incredible umami factor to this drink.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Saveur Kiss
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Jason Westplate
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(2 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Cocktailian commented on 11/06/2013:

*Canned Bing Cherries: •2 pounds Bing cherries, •4 cups water, •1 1/2 cup – 2 cups sugar, •vanilla beans

Cocktailian commented on 11/06/2013:

1: Pit cherries
2: Combine the water and sugar in a large saucepan. Stir and bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar; keep hot
3: Stuff as many cherries as you can into each jar; ~16-20 cherries in each 250 mL jar. Fill to 2 cm below the rim
4: Add vanilla bean
5: Fill each jar with the hot syrup, stopping 1 cm from the rim of the jar. With a clean, hot, wet cloth, wipe the rims of the jars and place the sealers and lids on top. Tighten with your hands
6: Process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes
7: Remove from the water bath, let cool, and listen for the pops. To let the full flavors develop let the jars rest a few weeks.

laerm commented on 12/30/2014:

Missing the Bing cherry action, but having some similarly processed and canned cherries, I figured I'd give this one a go. I must say, very impressive. Granted I love Pernod, but this is one of the few drinks I have had with it where it seems to take a supporting role. Really good, definitely going to impress some friends with this one.