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2 oz Gin, Tanqueray (green tea-infused)
1 oz Acqua di Cedro, Nardini
1⁄2 oz Lemon cordial (lemon sherbet)
3 ds Mace tincture
1 1⁄2 oz Soda water
1 pn Nutmeg (as garnish)

Shake, add soda water to the shaken mixture, fine strain into a punch glass with one rock of cracked ice, garnish.


Green tea Tanqueray: infuse two bags of green tea in one 750ml bottle of Tanq for an hour and then remove.


Adapted very loosely from William Terrington's 1869 recipe, which calls for lemonade, gin, citronelle, and ice.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Jack McGarry, The Dead Rabbit, NYC.
Is an
authentic recipe

The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual.

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