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1 1⁄4 oz Mekhong (or use rum of choice.)
3⁄4 oz Ginger liqueur, BroVo
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
3⁄4 oz Guava juice (Puree is better)
1⁄4 oz Orgeat
2 lf Basil (1 for Garnish)
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup

Shake with 1 basil leaf and strain into a chilled Double Old Fashioned glass with ice. Garnish.


Mekhong Spirit is an herbacious spirit produced in Thailand, with hints of ginger and orange.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Tongue Thai'd
Created by
Scott Diaz, Seattle, WA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(4 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Not as complex tasting as the recipe suggest.
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