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1 1⁄2 oz Brandy
3⁄4 oz Dry vermouth

Stir, strain, up.


The original, listed as the Ulysees Cocktail [sic], calls for equal parts of the three ingredients.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Credited to Aasron Glemby, Shanghai.
Is an
altered recipe

Harry McElhone, Wynn Holcomb & Arthur Moss. Barflies and Cocktails. Paris: Lecram Press. 1927. p. 59, via Martin's Index.

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Similar cocktails
DrunkLab commented on 1/17/2015:

Nice flavors, but still a tad too sweet at these ratios. Bitters improve it admirably.

Dan commented on 1/17/2015:

That's the problem with many vintage cocktails -- they are simply formulated too sweet for today. The quality of our spirits doesn't require as much sugar may be one factor. I would think you could easily dial the cherry back to 1/2. It might let the cognac through a bit more. I need to try this.

Artur B commented on 12/24/2023:

1 1/2 Cognac VSOP
1/2 oz Luxardo Cherry Sangue Morlacco
1 oz Martini Extra Dry
Not bad, Cognac is on front.