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Stir for 30 secs and strain, served straight up with lemon twist.


Dolin works best here, though other aromatized wines such as Lillet blanc or Cocci Americano would produce interesting variants. Combier Rouge is a fresher tasting alternative to Cherry Heering


Whipped up à la minute 4/16/11.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rob Marais
Is the
author's original creation
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2.5 stars
(3 ratings)
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  • Might be good as written. Tried with Finger Lakes Distilling Cherry Liqueur (which is fresh and not so sweet) and Bonal Gentiane Quina. The calvados dominates. I think a bone dry vermouth is needed for balance. — ★★★
Similar cocktails
Dan commented on 4/16/2011:

This sounds lovely. Finger Lakes Distilling Cherry Liqueur is also less complex / fresher than Cherry Heering, and less sweet too. Alas, I think it is only available in New York State at this point. I'm looking forward to trying this. It seems like a fruity Manhattan, in an circuitous sort of way. (I took the liberty of adding Combier Rouge as a bona fide ingredient.)

Zachary Pearson commented on 4/16/2011:


This looks interesting -- which Calvados do you recommend, and does it achieve balance through the bitterness of the Vermouth?

Rob Marais commented on 4/16/2011:

Thanks Dan! Seriously, when I first sampled the Combier Rouge at Cirace in the North End it struck me with its freshness along with good cherry umami. I was impressed.

Rob Marais commented on 4/16/2011:

Truth to tell, I used "Originel" brand calvados that I bought today from Bauer on Newbury St because the price was right. It is rather fruit-forward and a more complex (and pricier) calvados might be more pleasing. I bought the Dolin from Bauer today as well, and I made this cocktail with the Dolin in mind. I wouldn't use Noilly Prat for this. Using Lillet blanc would make the drink fruitier and perhaps a bit flaccid; I'd definitely recommend using Cocci Americano as an alternative. The balance to me comes more through the herbal mix than from any bitter aspect, though I might try this sometime with cranberry or Burlesque bitters for fun.

Zachary Pearson commented on 4/16/2011:


Ah... ok. I've got the Germain Robin apple brandy and Familie Dupont 86 vintage Calvados, which might scare some of those other ingredients into submission ;) I wonder if I can convince my likker store to carry the Combier stuff?

Rob Marais commented on 4/16/2011:

As for the calvados, scare away! And I was lucky to have found the Combier Rouge here in Boston at Cirace in the North End. If you're elsewhere, I'd advise you to ask about it. I'm an avowed cherry fiend, love making cherry shrub at home in season. That fresh/umami cherry taste is hard to beat.

Zachary Pearson commented on 4/17/2011:


If you put your finger in the middle of a map of Texas, you'll be close to where I live. But I'm going to make an effort to track down that Combier.

venture mixologist commented on 1/04/2012:

Hey Rob - nice sounding cocktail, I was just in the midst of working with apple brandy and dry vermouths (tho specifically Laird's BIB and Cocci Americano) and was wondering what others might have come up with. Definitely gonna give this one a try, but the only cherry I've got is Heering

Rob Marais commented on 4/14/2012:

Hi VM, try this with Heering if you can't find Combier Rouge but turn up the Dolin a little to keep the brightness of this drink. And lobby your packie for the Combier Rouge! I'm a true fan of the stuff.