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2 oz Rye
3⁄4 oz Chinato
1⁄2 oz Apricot liqueur
1 twst Lemon peel

Stir over ice and strain into a chilled rocks glass.


Named for the old fort under the Golden Gate Bridge, this is a delicious combo of rye whiskey, Barolo chinato and apricot brandy.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Erik Adkins, Heaven’s Dog, San Francisco
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(10 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • A little bit sweet, but a 4.5. Made with Rittenhouse, Barolo, and R&W.
  • Very nice change up from all my other favorite Manhattan relations
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bza commented on 7/07/2012:

Another Fort Point - and both with a rye base! How awkward, this is like the case of the multiple Autumn Sweaters...

mahastew commented on 5/12/2014:

Going to assume this one calls for apricot liqueur ala Rothman & Winter or Marie Brizard, rather than true apricot brandy as suggested by the Imbibe link.

Zachary Pearson commented on 5/12/2014:


Maybe not - I'd think there would be enough sweetness in the Chinato to balance 2.5 oz of spirit - it's 3:1, assuming it's apricot brandy.


Maybe we need to name these Fort Point (Boston) and Fort Point (San Francisco)?



mahastew commented on 5/19/2014:

Erik has confirmed it calls for apricot liqueur, making the drink a sort of Red Hook variant.

Shawn C commented on 6/05/2023:

Very good using Rittenhouse, Barolo Chinato, and R&W Apricot. 4.5, but rounding up because I can't see giving it only a 4.

noksagt commented on 6/06/2023:

Fred: Curious. This is close to Stu's Heim Lick (though Stu recorded his a few years later).

yarm commented on 6/06/2023:

Drink used a softer rye, Old Overheat 80° at the time and 86° when I was working there. It was an 8:2:1 ratio as a tribute to David Embury recipes, so less Punt e Mes and Benedictine. Also, they were years before Stew's recipes, but years after the sweet vermouth version such as the Preakness. Drink's Fort Point also led to the 1919 a few weeks later in 2008 by splitting the rye with Old Monk, doubling the Punt e Mes and Benedictine, and adding molé bitters.

Shawn C commented on 6/07/2023:

There probably should be another entry for the 2008 Boston drink of the same name since it is so different in character. I tried the latter tonight with Rittenhouse. It is good, but not in the same class as the Chinato & apricot version. Sticking to a lower proof rye as with the original Boston version would likely improve it (stuff for the notes.) With 100 proof it comes in at nearly 86 proof prior to dilution and nearly 1.2 fl oz of alcohol, which even after mixing with semi-wet ice leaves a lot of peppery alcohol heat, to the extent it masks some of the other flavors. With 86 proof Overholt it would come in at a more reasonable ~76 proof prior to dilution and a little over 1 fl oz of alcohol overall.

I made the Boston version in a chilled cocktail glass, but if I did it again I would pour it into a double old fashioned glass over a large cube for a better sipping experience.