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1 oz Gin
1⁄2 oz Amaretto
1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Dry vermouth
1 twst Lemon peel (expressed and as garnish)

Stir, strain, straight up, express zest and garnish with it


This amount of Campari could be too bitter for the uninitiated. I would like to try this drink with Aperol or Cynar.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Absinthe Brasserie & Bar
Is of
unknown authenticity

Art of the Bar, by Jeff Hollinger & Rob Schwartz

Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(13 ratings)
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From other users
  • Made with Cynar from comment suggestions. Startlingly strong cherry flavor. It is sweet but the amaretto is held in check.
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shantytownbrown commented on 11/10/2011:

enjoyed, and as a Campari fan, i found this to be well balanced...

Dan commented on 9/24/2012:

Not an amaretto fan, and this drink did nothing to change that. It is, however, a very nice Martini variant without the amaretto. I don't understand the appeal of the almond cookie flavor of amaretto with the bright citrus of Campari. I would think that Cynar would be a bit more harmonious. Made with Luxardo amaretto and Dolin dry.

Salanth commented on 10/04/2013:

Made it with Bombay Sapphire, DisAronno and Cocchi Americano. Unbalanced. Probably better with a bolder gin, like Beefeater. Might need a milder vermouth, too.

Luv4music commented on 5/20/2015:

I used Cynar instead of Campari and Lillet Blanc instead of dry vermouth and it was pretty good

MathMusic commented on 4/08/2017:

I liked it, found it to be pretty well balanced as a campari fan. I've been looking for more dry vermouth cocktails and this is one of my favorites so far.

noksagt commented on 4/11/2017:

Surprisingly fun template to play with. I enjoyed both Campari and Cynar variants. Would like to try Amer Picon here in the future.

MOJO1229 commented on 4/11/2017:

Like several others who commented on this drink, I also found the "Venetian" to be a tasty and enjoyable drink. Unlike Dan, I enjoy the taste of Amaretto, but only if it's in the background enough so that the drink is not too sweet and the other ingredients are not overwhelmed. Fortunately, the drink was not too sweet and the other ingredients held their own.

Along with Campari and Disaronno, I used Tanqueray Ten gin (which can hold its own) and I paired it with a dry Spanish vermouth that is infused with unspecified herbs (my 1st use of this vermouth, and it worked well in this drink). For those interested in this unique vermouth, the company's name is Priorat Natur and the product is simply named Vermut. It is light brown in color and is bottled at 32 proof. If you like to explore vermouths (and are looking for a unique dry vermouth), I recommend this one. I paid $26 (in Michigan). By the way, I rated the "Venetian" at 4.0.