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1 oz Rye, Old Overholt (Chamomile-infused)
1 oz Aquavit, Linie
1 ds Absinthe
1 twst Cucumber (as garnish)

Stir with plenty of ice. Strain to a chilled coupe glass. Garnish with a cucumber ribbon


Chamomile infusion: 150 ml rye to 1 gram loose chamomile tea. Stir well and let it infuse for 1 hour. Stir occasionally. Filter through a cheesecloth-sieve.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Phillip Gruneich
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(3 ratings)
Yields Drink

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bza commented on 4/08/2021:

What's your chamomile infusion recipe? I made this one using old overholt:

While very good, I found it overpowering in amounts beyond 1oz. I did think the blanco/chamomile combo was key and made a number of drinks with it but with a split base (usually cognac or rum). It goes very well with genepy (as indicated by that recipe) and the Giffard grapefruit.

philgruneich commented on 4/08/2021:


Hi, this was supposed to not be published yet because I'm still tweaking it. But if you're talking about the Death & Co, recipe, that's the one. 1 liter to 1/4 cup. I'll play more with it this weekend and see if I should not do a split base with Cognac.

EDIT: Just checked the recipe you mentioned and it is clearly not the Death&Co so I'll share it. They use Old Overholt Rye. 1/4 cup of loose chamomile tea and a 1 liter bottle. Combine, stir well and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. Strain through a cheesecloth-lined sieve.

bza commented on 4/08/2021:

Interesting, that's a much less agressive infusion than the In the Pines (1/2 cup for 750ml for 3-4 hours). With the Death and Co recipe 1.5 won't be as agressive and the liquor in general should prove more versatile. Thanks!

philgruneich commented on 4/08/2021:


In the Cocktail Codex book they use an even lighter infusion 1 gram of chamomile for every 150 ml of rye. 1 hour infusion. I'll try this one this weekend because I think it will be the best one. Thanks for the feedback. This sounds like a winner.