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1⁄4 oz Mezcal
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse

Ice. Stir. drink.


Amazing cocktail. one of my favorites to make at home. You'd be surprised how balanced and easy to drink this is being composed of such strong ingredients.


I found the basis for the recipe on the sfgate link, but added chocolate bitters. Also, their original name was terrible.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Jaxon on
Is an
altered recipe
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User rating
3.5 stars
(14 ratings)
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From other users
  • Decent; a bit astringent. I think it benefitted from an expressed grapefruit twist rubbed inside glass.
  • Very tasty and balance. Slightly sweet, somewhat herbal, slightly smokey.
  • So-so. Tequila with smoke and an herbal kick. Seems to be missing something. Maybe it was my mood.
  • Subtle flavors. I was concerned that the ratios would make the Chartreuse overwhelm the mescal, but the tastes are well balanced. On borderline of 4 stars
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bza commented on 10/17/2012:

Tried the original recipe without the bitter and with the garnish (though I agree - terrible name!) and this is kind of a brilliant drink. It's so proofed I wouldn't think it would work, but it is really well-balanced and you get all three ingredients. This is a great drink for the high rollers who want to throw around the good añejo.

Jennx commented on 12/08/2014:

I love this drink. The more sublime the tequila the better.